SerNet colleague Björn Baumbach has been appointed as official member of the <link _blank external-link-new-window "Samba Core Team">Samba Core Team</link>. The independent team consists of 40 people from all over the world who contribute regularly to Samba and have…
SerNet is part of the Storage Developer Conference (SDC) as Silver Sponsor. The SDC, hosted by SNIA, will take place from September 11 - 14 in Santa Clara (California, USA). In addition to the Samba developer team, SerNet is also present with its sales team and information about SAMBA+.
The verinice.XP 2017 agenda is online! Our <link _blank external-link-new-window "veriniceXP 2017">information security conference </link>takes place on February 6th and 7th at Sofitel Kurfürstendamm in Berlin.
The first day "Grundschutztag" about "BSI Baseline Security"…
After releasing new packages für SAMBA+ 4.5.3, 4.4.8 and 4.3.13 SerNet's Samba team added a new package to SAMBA+, enabling users to configure and run a GlusterFS based cluster with SAMBA+.
GlusterFS is an OpenSource scale-out network-attached storage file system, initiated in 2005 by Z Research…
After German BSI discontinued it's own GSTOOL for information security management the tool market evolves quickly. verinice plays an important rule because it is the only OpenSource tool with a BSI license.
verinice.XP – User Conference for Information Security shows how GSTOOL users can migrate to…