How <link _blank external-link-new-window ownCloud>ownCloud</link> and SerNet worked together to improve the SMB protocol, is described in a new blog post from ownCloud. Read about it in the article <link _blank external-link-new-window "ownCloud-Blog: Windows Network Drive integration benefits from Samba contributions">"Windows Network Drive integration benefits from Samba contributions"</link>.
The text emphasizes, how Open Source Collaboration can prove to be an important and stimulatory factor for projects. In this case, ownCloud engineers worked together with longtime <link _blank external-link-new-window SAMBA+>Samba</link> expert Volker Lendecke at SerNet. This resulted in notifications for smb-client implemented in the SMB2 and SMB3 protocol, subsequently boosting performance and bringing more reliability to the windows network drive integration. So – to quote ownCloud: "the professionals at SerNet have your back".