Supply chain duties

Supply Chain Due Diligence Act

Under the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act - "Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz" (LkSG), SerNet GmbH, as an organisation with fewer than 1000 employees, is not legally obliged to take human rights and environmental concerns in its supply chains into greater consideration and formalise them. However, as SerNet offers products and services worldwide, SerNet co-operates as far as possible to support customers for whom the LkSG is mandatory.

Protection of people and the environment

The creation of decent work, healthy corporate growth and the sustainable use of resources are very important to SerNet. We are committed to keeping an eye on economic, ecological and social concerns. All endeavours are geared towards ensuring that human rights and environmental obligations are also protected and promoted in our supply chains.

Declaration of principles of SerNet GmbH

The management of SerNet GmbH therefore issues the following declaration of principles:

SerNet GmbH is committed to respecting human rights and protecting the environment. It is the declared aim of the company management to respect, protect and promote human rights and the environment along the entire value chain. Violations of internationally recognised human rights and national and international environmental protection regulations will not be tolerated. The following international regulations, to which SerNet GmbH is committed, form the basis of the human rights and environmental due diligence obligations:

  • International Charter of Human Rights
  • Guiding Principles of the United Nations for Business and Human Rights (ILO) with its five basic principles: Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, elimination of forced labour, abolition of child labour, prohibition of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation, and occupational health and safety
  • UN Global Compact
  • OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
  • Core labour standards of the International Labour Organization
  • United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

The principles of human rights and environmental strategy set out in this declaration apply to the entire business area of SerNet GmbH, including its subsidiaries, and must be observed by the management and employees in the performance of the tasks assigned to them. SerNet GmbH expects all business partners to comply with human rights and environmental obligations. Respecting and upholding human rights and environmental obligations is the basic prerequisite for working with SerNet GmbH.

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Overall responsibility for our human rights and environmental due diligence obligations lies with the General Management of SerNet GmbH. In the subsidiaries over which SerNet GmbH exercises a controlling influence, responsibility lies with the respective management teams. However, SerNet actively works to ensure that the due diligence obligations are implemented by them.

Responsibility for the operational implementation of the human rights and environmental due diligence obligations lies with the respective team leads, who are involved in the implementation steps, in particular the purchasing department. The General Management is responsible for the downstream management and monitoring of the implementation of the due diligence obligations.

Follow up on information (complaints procedure)

In addition to continuous and event-driven risk identification and assessment, all employees have access to a functioning complaints procedure. This procedure has been established independently of the structures of SerNet GmbH.

This centralised communication channel can be used to anonymously or confidentially submit or ask questions about SerNet GmbH's compliance with human rights, environmental and employer due diligence obligations.

Every complaint triggers an evaluation process. If actual, verifiable violations can be identified, consistent steps or remedial measures are initiated in order to avoid the violations in the future or to bring about appropriate redress, at the end of which the reported violation is ended or an identified risk is minimised. Furthermore, all indications of potential violations and enquiries are examined to determine whether existing processes and regulations can be adapted or improved.

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If you have any questions or comments on human rights and environmental due diligence, you can contact SerNet GmbH in the following ways:
phone: 0551-370000-0

SerNet GmbH

Bahnhofsallee 1b
37081 Göttingen


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