Contact SerNet
Contact us – it's easy, quick and personal. The fastest way is via the contact form.
We look forward to every message, except spam.
By phone
During business hours:
+49 551-370000-0 – Monday- Friday, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Outside business hours:
Reach us by calling the emergency number agreed upon.You can also hear it on the telephone central's tape announcement.
By email
Sales department: sales@ (Please do not send applications to this address!)
Applications: jobs@ or sernet.deausbildung@
By letter post or parcel
SerNet GmbH
Bahnhofsallee 1b
37081 Goettingen
Please address all correspondence to our Göttingen address. Postal items sent to our other locations will be forwarded to Göttingen and will take longer to arrive.