SerNet system maintenance day and night
IT systems must be kept up to date with the latest technology on an ongoing basis. The biggest problem for IT security are gaps in the configuration or errors in software that are generally known and can thus be easily exploited.
- Those responsible could be held liable for gross negligence.
- Suppliers could fail warranty for damages.
- Customers could sue for damages for direct or derivative losses.
- Insurance companies could fail to provide coverage.
- Banks could downgrade ratings and make loans more expensive.
SerNet provides IT infrastructure maintenance for its customers:
- Update management of software
- monitoring of systems and networks
- Spot check of event logs
- Availability via telephone hotline around the clock
This can be done by outsourcing the responsibility to SerNet or in close cooperation and agreement with the customer's IT administration.

Flat rate maintenance
In principle, SerNet can take any system under its wing and completely relieve the customer of system maintenance via an outsourcing contract. We then take care of maintaining the state of the art: software updates, monitoring, routine checks, hotline availability.
This is particularly easy if the IT systems were procured directly from SerNet and set up there. Then taking over maintenance is a warranty extension for the configuration for an indefinite period. SerNet then also takes care of the timely extension of software subscriptions or hardware warranties with all suppliers.
If SerNet is to take over existing systems, this requires intensive evaluation, as the systems must be carefully put through their paces: Who has or had admin access rights? What was installed? Was there any risk or actual unauthorized access?
Once this has been clarified, SerNet can take over system maintenance. The contractual basis is a contract for work and services, in which SerNet owes not the effort but the result.

Maintenance according to expenditure
In many cases, SerNet provides services for its customers as an extended workbench: It supplements the IT team with missing skills, fulfills substitute tasks in the event of vacation or illness, or mitigates the consequences of the shortage of skilled workers by taking over tasks at short notice.
When working jointly with the customer's team on IT systems, there are special measures to avoid the "evidence emergency" in the event of gaps or errors in administration:
The systems must be or be brought into a very well-documented state, i.e., maintained and checked virtually according to the checkbook. All work must be carried out by all parties according to agreed standards and with uniform documentation. The location of the documentation is always at the customer's site with backup copies at SerNet.
SerNet bills for these maintenance tasks on a monthly basis through a specially formulated contract extension to the support agreement.