SerNet colleague Björn Baumbach has been appointed as official member of the <link _blank external-link-new-window "Samba Core Team">Samba Core Team</link>. The independent team consists of 40 people from all over the world who contribute regularly to Samba and have direct write access to the repository.
Baumbach recently contributed to the extensions of the "samba-tool" command. In addition, he has been supporting the Core Team for several years maintaining the server infrastructure, actively participates in discussions on the further development of Samba and contributes bugfixes. As a trained application developer Björn Baumbach joined SerNet 8 years ago. He works in the IT Security department as well as in
SerNet's own <link _blank external-link-new-window SAMBA+>SAMBA+</link> team.
Six SerNet employees are now members of the Samba Core Team. Besides Baumbach these are Karolin Seeger, Ralph Böhme, Björn Jacke, Volker Lendecke and Stefan Metzmacher.