As of now verinice 1.8 is ready for download. The new version of the open source tool for your information security management (ISMS) has been put together with the users comfort and ease in mind.
Among the innovations in verinice 1.8, which has been published by SerNet GmbH, are: The management of deadlines for tasks, removing no longer needed objects with repeated imports, new rules for access permissions, breadcrumbs in the object representation, automated addressing (CC / BCC) in mails and the ability to specify a source for report templates.
Seemingly small changes - that have great effect. Alexander Koderman, team lead of Certs & Audit at SerNet, says: "The new version primarily increases the comfort for the user." In his opinion information security management is already a complex field that will further increase in necessity as well as in complexity. "The original idea of verinice always was to make ISMS easier." And that's exactly what version 1.8 tries to accomplish.
In accordance verinice development manager Daniel Murygin stresses: "With verinice 1.8 we have consistently continued on the path to provide a well-to-use ISMS tool that maps complex relationships - and is still a full-grown open source software." For planned versions the mission statement is to further simplify working with the ISMS tool and make it more comfortable. Koderman: "Of course we benefit greatly from the feedback of verinice users who were also the basis for version 1.8." These suggestions are a valuable asset to optimize the ISMS tool in the future.
For more information about the update see the release notes at