News & Events
Secure infrastructure, verinice, SerNet, SAMBA, 2024

Succeeding together: a look back and a look ahead

2024 was an eventful year for SerNet GmbH. Behind every success are people: our colleagues, who achieve outstanding things every day with commitment and expertise, our partners, who strengthen us with their cooperation, and our customers, who place their trust in us. With this foundation, we look back gratefully on what we have achieved and look ahead with confidence.

Success is only possible if we work together – and so many building blocks have contributed to the successes of 2024.

Core area of Secure Infrastructures

In the past year, we were able to further consolidate our position as a trusted partner for IT security solutions. Our portfolio offers solutions that meet the increasing demands on cyber security. For 2025, we are placing particular emphasis on the topics brought into focus by the NIS2 directive:

This is what we will be discussing at our next SerNet get-together, which will take place right at the beginning of the year on 23.01.2025.

With the new verinice generation into the new year

The verinice team recorded significant progress in the development of the new verinice.veo platform in 2024. With the new verinice generation and the already available domains IT-Grundschutz, Data Protection and NIS2, we support users in implementing ISMS, complying with the GDPR and fulfilling central security requirements.

In 2025, the focus is on the continuous optimization of verinice.veo through the introduction of further governance, risk and compliance features – in particular through the publication of the domains ISO 27001, TISAX / VDA ISA, Notfallmangement and verinice.onprem. With a clear focus on digital sovereignty and user-friendliness, SerNet is working on making the platform even more powerful and future-proof, thus offering a sovereign, flexible solution on a new technological platform.

Samba milestones for future-open IT infrastructures

An outstanding success of 2024 was SerNet's securing of funding from the Sovereign Tech Agency for Samba. This ambitious undertaking, which comprises a total of 17 milestones, enables the further development of Samba as a central open source solution for interoperability and identity management in mixed IT environments.

SerNet was able to complete the first two milestones by the end of 2024: security improvements to MS-NRPC and Netlogon communication, and the introduction of SMB3 directory leases. Further important steps are planned for 2025 to further strengthen Samba as a key technology for sovereign and interoperable IT infrastructures.

Outlook 2025: Growing and shaping together

In 2025, we will be spending a lot of time at national and international trade fairs and events to promote our topics and concerns. But we also have our own events on the agenda:

  • verinice.XP 2025, a conference for information security and data protection professionals that promotes the exchange of information on current developments and best practices, is scheduled for February in Berlin.
  • In April, sambaXP 2025 will follow in Göttingen, which brings together international experts from the Samba and SMB3 community to discuss the latest developments.

SerNet is particularly proud of its commitment to promoting young talent. In August 2025, the free Linux.Camp for students will take place again, where young people interested in IT can immerse themselves in the world of operating systems and network technologies in a practical way. On a smaller scale, we also give female students an insight into the world of IT security on Girls' Day.

We look forward to a successful 2025 – together with you!

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