The Georg-August-Universität Göttingen has reached a milestone with the Deutschlandstipendium: the 2000th scholarship can be awarded in the 2023/2024 funding year. This was made possible by a pledge from SerNet GmbH, which has been supporting young talent for many years. The handover ceremony took…
The Rhein-Pfalz district literally had to pull the plug at the end of 2022, followed by the district of Anhalt-Bitterfeld in July 2023. Hacker attacks on cities, districts and municipalities have become a regular occurrence. 70 municipalities supplied by Südwestfalen IT were hit in October. Just…
The second part of the "SerNet as a Platform" (SaaP) workshop series dealt with "Taxes": in a 90-minute session, the company's trainees, students and young professionals were given a compact, in-depth understanding of tax matters. The SaaP series was launched at SerNet GmbH to provide learning…
SerNet is hosting verinice.XP 2024 as a digital event on February 28 and 29. The conference for information security and data protection offers a platform for the exchange of the latest trends and best practices in the use of verinice. Further information and tickets are available via…
Every five years, Arbeitgeberverband Mitte e. V. places volunteer judges in the financial and labor courts. There, they contribute their practical and life experience to the administration of justice. Among them is Reinhild Jung, Managing Director of SerNet GmbH, who has been involved in this way…