SerNet, SAMBA, Events, 2015

Recordings and slides of the sambaXP 2015 talks are now available at In addition there's a date set for the sambaXP 2016 and the Call for Papers already started. 

The 14th Samba eXPerience took place from May 19th - 22nd 2015 and SerNet GmbH once again was proud to host it in…

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verinice, SerNet, 2015

The <link 43 - internal-link "Opens internal link in current window">verinice.TEAM</link> at SerNet GmbH has published verinice 1.10. The new version of the open source tool to support an information security management system (ISMS) brings along some innovations. These include the IT Baseline…

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SerNet, Events, 2015

March 24th - 26th 2015 marks the date of (World Hosting Days) - SerNet will be present as well. We'll be hosting a verinice booth, you're invited to visit us at D12 and dive into the the meet-up of the hosting and internet world at Europa-Park Rust. 

The SerNet team is excited to present…

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SerNet, SAMBA, 2015

New EnterpriseSAMBA packages are ready to download. The new versions 4.1.17, 4.0.25 and 3.6.25 deal with a critical remote code execution flaw. The security releases address CVE-2015-0240 (Unexpected code execution in smbd).

Please update affected systems as soon as possible. The packages are…

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verinice, SerNet, 2015

On February 26th and 27th 2015 Berlin will be the venue for the <link http: de _blank external-link-new-window domain pulse>Domain pulse 2015  (conference location at <link http: de andels-berlin _blank external-link-new-window hotel veranstaltungslocation>andel's Hotel). The SerNet GmbH will participate at this annual meeting of the domain industry as well.

The Domain pulse is the joint conference of DENIC, and SWITCH. SerNet will host a…

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