The PFH Private University of Applied Sciences Göttingen recently offered its Business Information Systems students a practical insight into the world of information security. At the invitation of Prof. Hubert Schuele, Dr. Johannes Loxen, Managing Director and founder of SerNet GmbH, was a guest on…
The recently released Windows Update KB5028185/KB5028166 (July 11, 2023) breaks client authentication to Samba AD DCs. Other impacts are possible, further investigation is needed. The Samba team and SerNet are already working on a solution.
We will provide SAMBA+ updates as soon as we have a fix.
The award ceremony for the start-up competition LIFT-OFF of the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen took place at the end of June. Together with Prof. Dr. Bernhard Brümmer and Göttingen's mayor Petra Broistedt, SerNet founder Dr. Johannes Loxen opened the event in the Old Mensa at Wilhelmsplatz.
SerNet GmbH is pleased to be a sponsor at KIXCONF 2023! The KIXCONF, the conference for IT and service management, will take place for the first time again live in Chemnitz on June 14 and 15. SerNet thus continues the very good cooperation with the organizing KIX Service Software GmbH (formerly:…
On June 6, SerNet can be found at the PraxisBörse at North Campus (Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1, 37077 Göttingen) at booth 21. Praxisbörse is the job and career fair of the University of Göttingen and takes place annually on the North and Central Campuses. This year, SerNet is once again aiming to inspire…