verinice support budgets are now available in the verinice.SHOP. They provide quick and easy access to supporting services for the OPen Source ISMS tool verinice. In addition to individual contracts, SerNet is thus making flat-rate budgets available to customers all over the world.
With this step SerNet wants to make it easier for verinice users to have direct access to the expertise of the verinice.TEAM. Two advantages in particular are key: The contract is concluded immediately instead of having to be individually negotiated. In addition, all hourly rates are the same, regardless of whether technical support in the narrower sense or, for example, consulting is used to implement a standard. Within one hour after purchase, the project number is available, with which support requests can be made at any time by e-mail or, in urgent cases, by telephone.
A support budget purchased in the shop contains 10 hours of service at a price of 1200 Euro (net). Up to 4 of these budgets can be purchased at once and bundled for a 40-hour project (one working week). The support budgets include product support for verinice and verinice.PRO as well as all related queries for databases (PostgreSQL, Oracle), identity management (Active Directory, LDAP, etc.) and virtualization (VMWare) on Windows, Linux and macOS platforms.
Support budgets have a duration of 24 months. The monthly account statements as well as a final statement provide detailed information about all inquiries and used units. The smallest time unit for a support request is a quarter of an hour. All work is carried out by SerNet remotely by e-mail or telephone during the active support hours (Mon-Fri 8 - 18 CET).